by Richie Baxley | Jan 15, 2016 | Begin the New Year with a chimney sweeping
The new year presents a fresh start, and many people tackle January with a home refresh — cleaning out closets, scrubbing baseboards and catching up on their home maintenance to-do lists. As part of your new year’s cleanup, don’t forget your fireplace and chimney! If... by Richie Baxley | Nov 18, 2015 | Chimney Maintenance
Anyone who owns their own fireplace should know the importance of scheduling a yearly cleaning and inspection done by a professional. This check-up is essential in making sure that your fireplace is up-to-code and in proper working order for periods of more frequent... by Richie Baxley | Aug 5, 2012 | Chimneys
Due to regular use of chimneys, it can wear down and crack, leading to dangerous situations. This situation can also arise if good care is not taken when using a chimney for a long time. So the only way to mend this situation is by either tearing down the entire...